Listening lesson 3

Topic 2. World Englishes (2 hours)

If you are learning English, you may want to speak the language like you are a native speaker. Or, is your goal making a simple request like, “I want a Big Mac,” when you are in a foreign country? Just like you may have different goals, people of the world may have different reasons to learn English.

Kachru (1999) says there are three groups of countries in the world where people speak English. The first group is the Inner Circle like US, UK, Canada, Australia, new Zealand where English is the mother language; the second group is the Outer Circle like Singapore, India, the Philippines where English is the common language of the country; and the third group is the Expanding Circle like Japan and Korea where people are learning English.

Here is a question for you. Do you want to speak English like it is your native language? Or, are you happy if you can order in English in a restaurant in a foreign country? Here is a second question for you. Do you know of*1 any nonnative speakers of English who speak the language fluently? A good example is Kofi Annan. He was the United Nations Secretary General before. If you want, you can watch his video at If his speech is difficult, check to see if you understand Agnes Chan. If you do not know who she is, she is a Chinese singer who became popular in Japan.

The course has a simple questionnaire to help you understand the idea of world Englishes. There is no correct or wrong answer. Please choose the best percentage for you and write your comments.

l   Know of*1: 知っている(know ofは見たり聞いたりした事があるという意味で、誰かを個人的に知っているという意味のknowと区別される。)



Here is a list of eight questions to help you understand the idea of world Englishes. Do not think too
hard, but mark your answer with an X on the line from 0% to 100%, and write a short comment to
explain your answer. 

1. I want to speak English like I am a native speaker.

no                                                      not sure                                                     yes
0%                                                      50%                                                   100%


2. It is OK to make mistakes when I speak English.
no                                                                               not sure                                                                         yes
0%                                                                                50%                                                                         100%


3. It is OK to speak English with a Japanese accent.
no                                                        not sure                                                     yes
0%                                                       50%                                                  100%


4. I speak English.
never                                        not often but sometimes                                 everyday 
0%                                                       50%                                                   100%


5. My English level is
entry                                basic                                intermediate                          advanced 


6. I have been to                  ,                , and                .

(Please write country names.)

7. I have spoken to people (in English) from                 , and              .

 (Please write country names.)

8. I think people from                   are easy to understand.

(Please write country names.)

Your comment about world Englishes:

For answer sheets, write to

For answer sheets, write to

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