Listening lesson 4

Topic 3. Women’s right to education (2 hours)

Some people in the world think women do not need education. You may think it is not in Japan. But are you sure? Imagine a Japanese man who is not happy because his newborn baby is a girl. He is not happy because the daughter is not going to be a help in the rice field, growing rice, or in the ocean, catching fish. Is the father a Heisei man? Maybe not. Is the father a Showa man? Maybe yes. This means the father may be the generation of your grandfather or great grandfather. Imagine the girl does not want to stay home but wants to go to a city to receive education. Will the father be happy? Maybe not.

Here are questions about women’s issues.*1 Some questions are easy to answer and some are not. Please answer them honestly. You do not have to share your answers with your classmates.

Glossary: issue*1は通常「問題」と訳される。

1. I think women have a right to receive education.
disagree                                               not sure                                                agree 
0%                                                      50%                                                 100%


2. I think women should stop working and stay home after marriage.

disagree                                                not sure                                                 agree 
0%                                                         50%                                                  100%


3. I think mothers should stay home and raise children, when the children are young.

disagree                                                not sure                                                agree 
0%                                                       50%                                                   100%


4. I think it is good that women work equally as men do.

disagree                                               not sure                                                agree 
0%                                                       50%                                                100%


5. I want to work with women, not men.

disagree                                               not sure                                                agree 
0%                                                       50%                                                  100%


6. Some jobs are suited to women and some jobs suited to men.
disagree                                              not sure                                                  agree 
0%                                                       50%                                                   100%


7. I think women are easier to work with than men are.

disagree                                                not sure                                                agree 
0%                                                       50%                                                  100%


8. I want to work under female managers, not male managers.

disagree                                              not sure                                                  agree 
0%                                                       50%                                                   100%

Your score      /40

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